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Command create of terragen helps in creation of provider, datasource and resource of terraform.

terragen create

terragen create --help would help in listing all available sub commands and flags of terragen create.

This will help user to generate the initial components of terraform provider.

  terragen create [command] [flags]

Available Commands:
  datasource  Command to generate scaffolds for datasource
  provider    Command to generate scaffolds for terraform provider
  resource    Command to generate scaffolds for resource

  -h, --help   help for create

Global Flags:
      --dry-run       dry-run the process of provider scaffold creation
  -p, --path string   path where the templates has to be generated (default ".")

Use "terragen create [command] --help" for more information about a command."

For more information on how to create these components, navigate to their independent documents.


Flags Description Defaults
path path under which scaffolds to be generated cwd
dry-run this simulates the process by not creating one false

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